8 Ways To Put The Fun Back In Your Marriage

No one ever said marriage was going to be easy, but the truth is that a great marriage is not something that magically happens by itself. Rather, a marriage has to be established, cultivated and consistently cared for in order for a relationship to thrive. Sadly, many couples get caught up in their daily routine and find themselves forgetting how important it is to cherish one another and make time to enrich the course of their marriage. The good news is there are several simple ways to keep the spark of your marriage alive and well. Harmonize the daily grind of your life and the prosperity of your marriage with the following eight fun things couples can do together to keep the spark between them alive and flourishing throughout the years.
Put Your Phone Aside
Studies have shown that technology can negatively affect your relationships, so make time to power down your electronics for at least an hour at some point in the day. The time spent away from your phone and computer can help free you and your spouse from outside distractions and remain in the moment as a couple.
Try New Activities and Date Ideas
When planning a night out, many couples find themselves consistently veering toward their typical dinner and drinks routine. In order to prevent your go-to date plan from becoming stale, change your activities up every so often. Try a new restaurant, vacation spot, take a class on a novel subject, try a new activity, or explore a new area of your town together.
Pre-Plan Dates and Activities
While a spontaneous night can be a thrill, taking time to pre-plan date nights can be exciting as well. Organizing activities in advance can give you and your spouse something to look forward to experiencing together, which increases the excitement in the relationship.
Meet for a Lunch Date
If you and your spouse have hectic weekday schedules at work or at home, planning a lunch date can be a great way to split up your busy days while escaping from the daily grind for a relaxing hour together.
Dream Together
Couples tend to enjoy talking about future plans when they are dating. But once people get married, they often forget to continue dreaming. However, dreams are the heart’s source of inspiration. Dreaming as a couple can keep your relationship alive by providing the fuel of hope and enthusiasm, which can encourage the heart and the mind to endure through any hardships your marriage may face.
Share and Make Long-Term Plans
Working together to make future plans and long-term goals is a great way to bolster your marriage. Try sitting down together and forming a list of short-term goals, such as what you want to achieve today, this week, and this month, and work your way up to longer-term ambitions, such as what you want to achieve this year and for the future. Working together to discuss and orchestrate life goals creates a stronger sense of security and support, and enhances the authenticity of the relationship as a true partnership.
Cook Meals Together
When you cook together, there are a handful of different aspects of the process that rely on a couple’s ability to communicate and work with one another, such as picking a recipe, making a grocery list, and actually doing the cooking. Preparing a meal together is not only a great and simple way to spend time with your spouse, but it can improve communication between you and your spouse as well.
Go Out with Other Couples
Going out with friends is one of the simple pleasures in life and being married doesn’t mean that you can’t have a flourishing social life. Having new or old couple friends to spend time with can bolster the excitement in a marriage by providing an opportunity for couples to cultivate social bonds and create new experiences.
Additional Resources: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-couch/201501/6-surprising-ways-communicate-better-your-partner https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/marriage-30/201204/better-marriage-find-some-couple-friends https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/3-ways-technology-can-negatively-impact-your-relationships-0919167
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